Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Ammo Crate

This is a simple ammo crate i have been creating in 3DS Max. Again the modeling is simple and i ve hidden some unfinished geometry. Again ive been focusing on texturing for this project! I ve been fiddling around a bit more with my texture sheets!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Oil Drum

Here is a quick oil drum ive been working on to practice Unwrapping uv's with sepcular, diffuse, and Normal bump maps. Its the first time i've properly painted textures in photoshop, its not perfect by any means!

Monday, 23 November 2009


This is the moodboard i have done, to demonstrate the look and feel of my concept development game 'Deadpool's Games'. I drew Deadpool and sport/racer out of the hat, which i then had to make a game from. This document goes hand in hand with the main games design document im working on at the moment!

Friday, 6 November 2009

Team Project

I ve also been working on creating a stadium for my teams olympic themed game. This shows some idea of what it might look like, although it is just a prototype model for now!


After finishing the base head mesh, ive decided to give this guy some expressions using morph targets. As this i my first attempt the arnt that great, but its a start!

Monday, 26 October 2009

Again and again

Well after about a week and a half of plodding away at my head mesh and 2 models later i now finally have something that is vaguely respectable and animatable (ish). (You can see the difference between the rubbish model below and this one.) Doing it and re-doing the mesh really showed me alot about the process, consequently i now see edge loops in my sleep.. but its worth it i suppose! Im now focusing on my Design Doc for concept development , its going well ive pretty much done it all i need to do is explain the user design experience! Just had a bit of down time playing Borderlands (Such a beast) pretty productive night all in all!

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Well, im finally having some time off. In Sheffield at the moment. I ordered a few books before i left though so i should have some new material to read through when i get back. Hopefully the books should e especially helpfull with character modelling and animation because my next assignment is to model the head of my 3d character! I cant wait to get stuck in!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


Call me mad but having finished my two main projects in 3D about 2 hours ago, why is it that i find myself animating a short taster for our group project game, i must have the bug is all i can say!

The Last Renders!

Im currently rendering the final images for both my Still life and Castle hill project! Its been a long 2 weeks of tutorialing, experimenting and not much sleeping but i ve finally got there. Im sort of happy with the result, although annoyingly, now i know the process of constructing each scene i think i could do alot better if i did it again!

The Long Haul

Well, i finally made some considerable progress on my 'Castle Hill' Project yesturday and this morning. After several problems with Max 10's renderer i, scrapped what i had done at about 9pm and started again in max 9. I managed to model the majority of the detail i need on the tower but only got to bed at 7am :S. Now im getting back to work to finish it off!

Monday, 12 October 2009

Late Night Rendering

Once again i find myself tirelessly sat at my computer waiting for my computer to render my latest project for 3D Character Animation. I ve been working on the, 'Still Life' Project for about 2 weeks now, although mainly in the past couple of days. Progress has been quite slow as i have had to teach myself quite alot from my books and online. However i think tonight i might finally have something to say for it all (and thats the best part!)